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Autumn Show - 6  SEPTEMBER  2.30  Village Hall


Show Secretary: Jackie Constantine  Tel:277867.


​Staging: 8.30 am -10.15 am (Judging  from 10.30)

Entries: By telephone, e-mail, direct to Show Secretary or to ‘Glenacre', Thornhurst Lane (using the form on page 3 of the printed schedule) not later than Thursday 4 September. Alternatively by email using the form under the shows and events tab.


Entry Fee: 20p per class. (Children's classes free)


Presentations, Auction and Draw: 4.15 pm


Vases provided must be used unless otherwise stated.  Please name varieties if possible.


Prizes: First: £2.00; Second: £1.00; Third: 50p






1   A collection (24" X 24"max.) of four kinds of vegetables, one of each kind.

    Each item to be marked out of 10 points.

2   Four potatoes, one variety

3   Nine shallots (excluding pickling)

4   A vase of five stems of different culinary herbs,

5   Three carrots    no flowers

6   Six runner beans

7   Garlic, three bulbs

8   Three onions 8 oz or under

9   Three onions over 8 oz

10  Three leeks

11  Three beetroots

12  A plate of three standard tomatoes (with calyx)

13  A truss of  tomatoes (miniature variety, at least three ripe)

14  Six hot chillies, one variety

15  Any vegetable not mentioned above, number optional

16  A plate of three dessert apples

17  A plate of three cooking apples

18  A plate of three dessert pears

19  A plate of any fruit other than apples and pears

20 Most missshapen vegetable




21  Sunflower with the largest diameter head

22  A specimen bloom chrysanthemum

23  A vase of three disbudded chrysanthemums

24  One stem of spray chrysanthemum

25  A vase of three stems of spray chrysanthemums.  Any variety or varieties.

26  One dahlia over 200mm diameter (giant or large)

27  Three dahlias between 150mm & 220mm diameter (medium), one or more varieties

28  Three decorative or ball dahlias up to 170mm diameter (small or miniature),one or more varieties

29  Three cactus/semi cactus dahlias up to 170mm diameter (small or miniature), one or more varieties

30  Three pompon dahlias up to 52mm,one or more varieties

31  Three dahlias, any other group(s) not mentioned in classes 26-30

32   A display of mixed dahlias, not more than 9 stems

33   A rose bloom, large flowered

34   A vase of three large flowered rose blooms, one or more varieties

35   Cluster rose, one stem

36   A vase of any kind of flower not mentioned above, not more than nine stems

37   A vase of hardy perennials, max. 9 stems, one or more kinds

38  A vase of mixed garden flowers

39  A vase of three stems of michaelmas daisies

40  A cactus or succulent *

41  A pot plant, other than orchid, in flower *

42  A pot plant, foliage *

43  A pot plant in fruit *

44  An Orchid, in flower.*

*(internal diameter of pot not to exceed 8”) Also see Show Reg. 1



45 “Red Hot” A petite exhibit, fruit, flowers & berries allowed, not exceeding 8"

46 “Twist & Turn” An exhibit of flowers & foliage, up to 18” wide, 12” high.Open staging.

47  “Autumn Glow” An exhibit to be staged in a niche, 24” wide, 36” high. Fresh foliage including seed heads, and berries, excluding flowers. Accessories allowed

48 “Autumn Glow” An exhibit to be staged in a niche, 24” wide, 36” high. Fresh  foliage including seed heads, and berries, excluding flowers. Accessories allowed.


Taken by the exhibitor, the exhibit not previously to have won a prize at one of the Society's shows.  Mounted or unmounted, with or without border, max. size 7" x 5" (18x13cm)colour. Except classes 50, 51 & 52 which are up to A4 size.


48   Something beginning with "A"

49   Roofs and chimneys  A set of three photos

50   Emotion

51   Carnival

52   On the wild side




53   Five raisin and oatmeal cookies

54   Five plain scones

55   Apple pie,  8” maximum diameter. Presented on a plate

56   Tea Bread made in 2lb loaf tin

57   Five Meringues

58   A pot of fruit jelly


Do not use cake or bread mixes, or ready-made pastry


SECTION VI CHILDREN'S CLASSES  (Open)  (Please state age)


59  (Pre-school):                Something I made in the holidays

60  (8 yrs and under):        A painted pebble

61  (13yrs and under):       A photo of a 'creepy-crawley'



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