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Constitution of the Society


l.  Name: The name of the Society shall be 'Ewhurst Horticultural Society'.


2.  Object: The object of the Society shall be to encourage interest in horticulture

 and kindred crafts.


3.  Membership: Membership shall be open to all. Any member who has, in the opinion  

of a majority of the full Committee, brought discredit on the Society shall be liable to have his/her membership withdrawn.


4.  Officers: The officers shall consist of a President, Chairman, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer.


5.  Committee: The affairs of the Society shall be managed by a Committee consisting of the Officers and at least six, but not more than twelve, other members. A meeting of the Committee must not proceed to business if less than half its members is present.


6.  Elections: The Officers and other members of the Committee shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting and shall serve for one year, after which they will be eligible for re-election. If an Officer or other Committee member is unable to complete his/her term of office the Committee may appoint a replacement to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.


7.  Annual General Meeting (AGM): The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held in October/November. The Hon. Secretary shall give all members at least ten days notice of such meetings. Any member wishing to raise matters other than those on the Agenda must give at least seven days notice in writing to the Hon. Secretary.


8.  Quorum: A General Meeting (AGM or SGM) must not proceed to business if less than fifteen members are present.


9.  Voting: All members present at a General Meeting are entitled to vote. Postal or 'proxy' votes are not allowed.


10.  Subscriptions: All members shall pay an annual subscription at a rate (or rates) decided at the AGM and payable on the following 1st January.


11.  Finance: The financial year of the Society shall end on 30 September, and the Hon. Treasurer shall present an audited annual balance sheet at the following AGM. Money belonging to the Society shall be paid into the Society's account at a specified bank. Cheques must be signed by the Treasurer and one of two other committee members nominated for that purpose.


12.  Alteration of Constitution: The constitution may only be altered by a majority vote at an AGM or an SGM called specifically for that purpose.

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