131st Summer Show
12 JULY - 2.30 Village Hall
Show Secretary: Zoë Horton. Tel 07939 114059
. Email: showsec@ewhursthortsoc.org.uk
Staging: 8.00 am -10.15 am (Judging from 10.30am)
Entries: By telephone, e-mail,direct to Show Secretary or to ‘Glenacre', Thornhurst Lane, (using the form on page 5 of the printed schedule) not later than Thursday 10 July. Alternatively by email using the form under the shows and events tab.
Entry Fee: 20p per class. (Children’s classes free)
Presentations, Auction and Draw: 4.15 pm
Vases provided by the society must be used unless otherwise stated.
Please name varieties if possible.
Prizes:First: £2.00; Second:£1.00p; Third: 50p
1 A collection (30" x 30" max) of four kinds of vegetable. Prizes: 1st £3; 2nd £2; 3rd £1.
Numbers as per classes 3-19 below, where not stated numbers not less than half as per RHS handbook.
2 A collection of four kinds of vegetables, one of each kind. (Each item to be marked out of 10 points)
3 Potatoes, four
4 Carrots, three
5 Beetroots, three, round
6 Lettuces, two heads
7 Peas, (mange tout), nine pods
8 Peas, nine pods
9 French Beans, six
10 Broad Beans, six
11 Garlic, three
12 Onions, three 8 oz or under
13 Onions, three over 8 oz
14 Shallots, nine
15 Marrows, one pair, not more than 12 inches long
16 Courgettes, three, not more than 6in long (excluding stalk & flower)
17 Cucumber, one
18 Tomatoes, three standard size with calyx
19 Miniature tomatoes, six with calyx
20 Rhubarb, three sticks, trimmed leaves
21 Any vegetable not mentioned in classes 3-20 (not less than half number stated in RHS handbook
— copy available from the Show Secretary)
22 Three stems each of four different culinary herbs in water (no flowers)
23 Redcurrants, twelve strigs
24 Raspberries, a dish of twelve
25 Gooseberries, a dish of twelve
26 Any other fruit not mentioned in classes 23-25 (not less than half number stated in RHS handbook;
copy available from the Show Secretary)
27 Lilium, one specimen stem
28 Delphinium, one specimen spike
29 A large flowered rose
30 Rose, 3 stems, one cultivar, bud, perfect, open (one vase)
31 Three large flowered roses, one or more varieties
32 Five roses, one or more varieties
33 One stem, cluster flowered rose
34 Three stems, cluster flowered roses, one or more varieties
35 Miniature roses, three stems, one or more varieties
36 Sweet peas (annual), one vase, three stems, one or more varieties
37 Sweet peas (annual), one vase of seven stems, with or without foliage
38 A vase of three stems of alliums
39 One specimen stem (not mentioned in classes 27-38)
​40 Six blooms of pansies or violas, one or more varieties (to be displayed on a society show board)
41 Five stems of marigolds
42 A vase of three sprays of one kind of flowering shrub
43 A vase of mixed annuals
44 A vase of one kind of flower not mentioned in classes 27-42
45 A vase of hardy perennials, max. 9 stems, one or more kinds
46 Six fuchsia flowers one or more varieties, displayed on a society show board
47 Three stems of pelargonium (geranium) with/without leaves
48 A floral display of mixed flowers and garden material from the exhibitor's own garden,
to be judged for quality and effect; society vase provided. (Medland Trophy to be awarded)
49 A vase of flowering shrubs, 3 kinds, one stem or branch of each.
Pot Plants (internal diameter not to exceed 8”)
(Pot plants must have belonged to the exhibitor for at least 6 months)
50 A pelargonium, in flower
51 A pot fuchsia (single flowered)
52 A pot fuchsia (semi double or double flowered)
53 An orchid, in flower
54 Any other flowering pot plant.
55 A foliage pot plant
56 A cactus or succulent
57 A table arrangement for a party, using material from exhibitor's garden,
viewed from all sides, 12" high max., 18” wide, open staging . No accessories
(New Blair Bowl to be awarded)
58 “Barking Mad” A exhibit of natural plant material including accessories,
24”wide, height unlimited, open staging. (BOYS & MEN ONLY)
59 Wedding Bouquet. An arrangement in a box up to 24”wide, height unlimited,
open staging, accessories allowed.
60 “Summer Sparkle”, an exhibit not exceeding 8” in diameter, open
staging, accessories allowed,
Taken by the exhibitor, the exhibit not previously to have won a prize at one of the Society's shows. Mounted or unmounted, with or without borders, max. size up to A4
61 Wet Wet Wet — a set of three photos
62 Garden Shed
63 Seaside
64 Mother nature - a close-up
65 Open Subject — in monochrome
Made by the exhibitor, the exhibit not previously to have been exhibited at one of the Society’s shows
66 A drawing or painting
67 An item of handicraft
68 An item of needlework
69 An item of knitting or crochet
70 A brown loaf, hand made(at least 24 hours old)
71 Focaccia Loaf
72 Five cheese scones
73 Lemon Drizzle in a 2lb loaf tin
74 Four eggs (one kind) displayed in a basket with straw
75 Five chocolate chip cookies
76 A pot of lemon curd
77 A pot of fruit jam (1lb, 454 g) (NB note in Hints and Tips)
78 A bottle of cordial (undiluted) (NB note in Hints and Tips)
79 A fruit, or aromatic botanicals, infused spirit ( in clear glass bottle)
Do not use cake or bread mixes, or ready-made pastry
(Please State age)
80 (Pre-school) My favourite painting
81 ( 8 yrs and under) A decorated paper butterfly
82 (13 yrs and under) A photo of a pet
83 (13 yrs and under) Four pieces of chocolate fridge cake